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Alex Young
Mar 12, 2021
In Software
I've been working on a slightly different way to handle the main loop() in Nybble's code. Basically the idea is to move control of the main loop off the nyboard and onto the raspberry pi, so that we're not quite so constrained by the amount of code space on the nyboard. I wanted to reduce the functionality of the arduino code to only doing I/O, and let the pi handle all the smarts. To do that, I've been working on this fork: If you have a look, you'll notice a few things going on in OpenCat.ino. First, the guts of the loop() function are mostly gone, replaced with the excellent protothreads suggestion from @Gero . I've nicked the ultrasound implementation and moved getYPR() into a background thread. checkBodyMotion doesn't exist any more; I want anything that smart happening off-board. There's a new file called interpreter.h, which is a different take on the serial protocol. Rather than stay with an ad-hoc syntax, I've implemented a very simple FORTH-syntax repl; I haven't got as far as allowing loops or user-defined functions yet, and I'm not sure there's enough RAM to do so, but it's on my list to try. What that all means is that if you run it, on the serial line you'll see this: * Start * Initialize I2C Connect MPU6050 Test connection MPU successful Initialize DMP Checking hardware revision... Revision @ user[16][6] = A5 Resetting memory bank selection to 0... 1148 -61 -33 12 Enable DMP Enable interrupt DMP ready! * Assigning 4 skill addresses... 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Finished! > That is, there's the usual boot and a mildly tweaked setup() routine, then it drops you straight to a prompt. From there, with the serial line set to "Newline", you can run commands like: 0 8 m That is the equivalent of "m 8 0" in the conventional serial syntax. Or: 0 8 m 0 12 m 0 9 m 0 13 m That zeros the front two legs in a single command. Or, shorter: 0 0 0 leg 0 0 1 leg which does the same thing. There's also a "pose" and a "legPose" command, which set either all the motors or just the walking motors all at once: -30 -80 -45 0 -3 -3 3 3 60 60 -60 -60 -45 -45 45 45 pose That would be the equivalent of the existing "rest" command. After each of these, you get dropped back to a "> " prompt. If you want to read Nybble's sensor state, you've got the "p" command: > p t 4710 b 273.00 g 0.09 -0.08 0.99 u 6.05 m 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 -- > What that's giving you is the timestamp, battery voltage, gravity vector, ultrasound range, and motor angles (with 256 being used as an "off" signal in this case). It'll also give you raw IR data if it picks a signal up. With just the gyro in the loop, before I switched to protothreads, I could happily run a 20Hz update loop, with python on the host requesting state, doing calculations, and issuing motor commands, with about 20ms to spare per cycle. I haven't done any timing yet, but I think I'm right in saying that protothreads make this safe with ultrasound and the buzzer thrown in, and I might even be able to go a bit faster. At the moment, the motor updates are happening in the same protothread as the serial processing, and if I separate them out I can probably run the motor updates at a higher rate to smooth them out and get some interpolation back. I need to double-check that I'm not going to get into trouble with stack usage, though. The downside of all this is that I've pretty much thrown out all the code around instincts, behaviours, and gaits. They should be easy enough to add back in on the python side - after all, it's just a matter of putting the right commands together from the data in InstinctNybble.h and feeding them over the serial line - but that's probably not next on my list; I'm more interested in getting to a walking cycle that's less pre-canned and more calculated on the fly, which is the whole reason for bothering with any of this. I'm pretty sure we can get to a dynamically stable trotting gait with a following wind (although not hopping, I don't think the motors will take it). I've got him balancing (very, very shonky feedback control works disconcertingly well), but I managed to overload an MG90D doing knee duty in the face of some rather over-enthusiastic gain factors and have been waiting for more servos in the post for the last couple of days. Have a poke, have a play, let me know what you think. I'll commit some example python that uses this protocol in the next couple of days, and *possibly* some erlang or elixir if I get enough time over the weekend. Right now I'm developing all that on the pi over ssh, which is a lovely way of working. Oh, one other thing - this almost certainly breaks Bittle in horrible ways. Looking at the shared code I suspect the two could be brought into line fairly easily if there was interest, but I've not got one to check against.
Alex Young
Mar 04, 2021
In Hardware
I've printed up some shoulder mounts for four shoulder roll motors to give Nybble some extra agility, but I'm running into problems on a Nyboard v0_2. The motors I've added are a pair of MG90D's for the front legs, and a pair of MG16R's for the hips[0]. They're just plugged in to the vacant pins on the nyboard. With just the front two installed, everything's fine: Nybble boots up, I can calibrate, everything seems to be working as expected. With the back two installed, I run into problems, but not where I expect: the MPU6050 seems to run into difficulties. Either it fails to initialise, and the setup() sequence hangs, or I get a hang during operation as it tries to either reset or read from the FIFO. This happens whether I've got the battery jumper on V+ or BATT. Am I right in assuming that what I'm seeing is likely due to the extra drain from the motors? Or is noise more likely? In either case, what's the best thing to be doing here? I'm not above soldering an additional cap on, or similar, if that's what it takes; another option would possibly be to add a second P9685 board to double up the 5A limit and possibly improve the isolation, but that's obviously more work to make the code aware of (and use) the new i2c address. For reference, the batteries I'm using are 7.4V 1300mAh 2S li-po's. Turns out that "airsoft batteries" is what you need to search for to get long, thin packages. Has anyone else successfully done this? [0] some more details on this: I couldn't find MG92D's in stock when I was buying. If you try to fit an MG90D at the shoulder, it's not got enough torque to hold still and it shakes the leg uncontrollably, so I swapped out the knee motor and used that as a shoulder roller instead. The MG16R's were a bit of a guess: given the experience with the front legs, I wanted something that had more than enough torque.
Alex Young
Jan 03, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
In the assembly instructions [here](, there's a link to . That link 404's. Is the correct version now ? Should I be worried by that '-Old' suffix?

Alex Young

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