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Forum Posts

JY Jen
Jun 17, 2019
In Basic Assembly and Setup
Almost done assembling my Nybble, but have a few questions! 1. How do you connect a Raspberry Pi to the Nyboard? I'm thinking of setting it up as described in this post and was wondering how the two boards should be connected. 2. How do you make sure that the y1Pi pieces are flat when they're installed? In all the assembly videos and animations, the y1 pieces seem to be flat (parallel to the belly piece), but when I slotted the y1pi pieces into the shoulder and hip sections, they slant inwards slightly. I tried my best to take a photograph, but the black makes it a bit hard to see. How do you correct this? More photos below for reference
How to connect a RPi + Slanted y1Pi pieces? content media

JY Jen

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