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Forum Posts
Robot Fan
Aug 09, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
I am building Nybble (the cat) with Nyboard V1.0 and she has got an ultrasonic sensor (echo sensor).
The sensor has got a white plug with 4 wires (marked Vcc, Trigger Echo and GND), so that part I understand. Section 5.4 of the manual shows a table, that tells me to connect those 4 wires to D8, D9 D10 and GND. But I don't see a slot on the NyBoard to put this plug in, that is marked with those.
Besides that, D8 9 and 10 seem to be connected to servo's, so I do not understand this at all... As far as I know it is not possible to have a servo and a sensor on the same digital port.
Could someone please help and tell me where on the NyBoard is the right place to put the white plug from the ultrasonic sensor in? There are 4 slots marked I2C, Analog, Digital1 and Digital2, whose do look like the plug would fit, but I can't tell if I need one of these (and if so which one)?
Any help is much appreciated!
Robot Fan
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