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Forum Posts
Carl T
Jun 07, 2019
In Clinic
Hi. I enjoyed the building process but ran into some issues in getting Nybble to function properly. 1) I received Nyboard V0_2. The labeling for the servos appear to be reversed. The right, head side quadrant is labeled 3, 2, 1, 0 from the head to the tail. I connected the servos according to the instructions and they were completely flipped around. I ended up connecting them based on the illustration instead and it worked. All four quadrants are numbered backwards. I did catch the #define in Instinct.h. That's not mentioned in the documentation. 2) I think the servo power regulator is faulty. I set the potentiometer throughout its range and read voltage from 5v to 7.2v. Regardless of its position, the yellow light always blinks. It starts up with the tone and the meow and Nybble goes into the rest position. At this point if I hit a button on the remote, it goes into a static position and no longer accepts input. It's the same with the terminal. It will take one command and then stops responding. If I command it to sit, it does so but no other commands work until I reset. Also, balance doesn't function. Nybble just stands still. If I put the jumper to battery input, everything works. But I thought it might be a bad idea to run servos rated for 6v at 8v for too long. I removed the jumper and connected a 5.8v servo power regulator used for RC airplanes (BEC) and fed power through the servo header. This works well so I assume something's wrong with the on-board regulator. 3) There was a previous post about the roll function being reversed in balance. I'm experiencing the same. If I place Nybble on a board and tilt the board up toward its head, the front legs collapse and rear legs extend to keep the torso level. And of course the reverse happens when the board is tilted the other way. When the board is tilted to the left, the left legs collapse and the right legs extend so the body wants to roll off the board. I tried to correct this but since I'm not any good at coding it doesn't work too well. I simply added "* -1" to the if/else statements for rollAdj. It sort of tries to keep level, but it only extends the low side instead of collapsing the high side. I hope I explained it adequately. Thanks!
Carl T
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