As a newbie to arduino ,I follow the AssemblingInstructions and when I compile the tesBuzzer.ino , I got this:
Error reading file (D:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\boards.txt:0): Invalid line format, should be 'key=value'
为开发板 Arduino Pro or Pro Mini 编译时出错。
there is no "key" sentence in the old boards.txt.
and when I connected the usb line to FDTI, I got this:
为开发板 Arduino Pro or Pro Mini 编译时出错。
找到无效库在 C:\Users\28195\Documents\Arduino\libraries\i2cdevlib-master: no headers files (.h) found in C:\Users\28195\Documents\Arduino\libraries\i2cdevlib-master
Is there any path need to be set?
You need to install required libraries. Check the configure Arduino IDE section.