I upload the Opencat code to an Arduino Mega board. I'm to fear to do it on my Bittle. :D I first want to understand everything of the OpenCat.ino and OpenCat.h.
I connect the Gyro at SDA and SCL.
The Servo Shield to A4 and A5 and the Servos to the same pins like my Bittle.
The IR to digital Pin 4 and the Buzzer to Pin 5.
There is no Error but the Servos doesn't work and the Buzzer makes did da da did ... :D
Now my Questions:
For what is the INTERRUPT PIN 0?
For what is the Sound A2?
Should I use an active or passive buzzer?
To witch pins must i connect the servo shield or is it ok to use A4 and A5?
Sorry for wrong category use
thank You for answer. I use 20, 21 for the Servo Shield now.
An Interrupt Pin 2 as like in the PDF but the Servos do nothing. Is this normal?
For the Gyro I use the 3,3V Pin and SDA and SCL is at the Servo Shield. Int is 2.
A0 is with the resistors. 4 pieces 1M (2 between).
I think I will use the ModuleTests. Perhaps it helps me to understand Your code.
And I don't understand in OpenCat.h is INTERRUPT 0 and SOUND A2 defined.
//board configuration #define INTERRUPT 0 #define IR_RECEIVER 4 // Signal Pin of IR receiver to Arduino Digital Pin 4 #define BUZZER 5 #define GYRO #define ULTRA_SOUND #define SOUND A2 #define LIGHT A3 #define READING_COUNT 100
In the Serial Monitor comes:
* Start *
Revision @ user[16][6] = A5
Resetting memory bank selection to 0...
-1 -1 -1 -1
Enable DMP
Enable interrupt
DMP ready!
* Start *
Initialize I2C
Connect MPU6050
Test connection
MPU successful
Initialize DMP
Checking hardware revision...
Revision @ user[16][6] = A5
Resetting memory bank selection to 0...
-1 -1 -1 -1
Enable DMP
Enable interrupt
DMP ready!
* Assigning 1 skill addresses...