hi, I take advantage of the availability and the time I take away from her work to ask her if she can tell me a software that can command the kitten's servants to create new frames, a software like the one in the attached image that would simplify and make it easier to create of new frames, maybe I ask too much but it would be very useful and fun.
Thanks again Giuseppe

true, i saw the arduino code, thanks to a lot, maybe the simulation software can also be easily extensible like array. looking forward to publication on GitHub.
Hello, how is the progress on this? Will it be able to get the servo positions if i move them? I am very interested, especially if it could support other robot shapes and similar frameworks for animating a family of OpenCat derivatives that could emerge from there, OpenAnimal etc.. Why not open source the current state soon so others could probably assist. Best regards –d.
I'm looking forward to it. When will it be available?
Hi, I look forward to the publication of this software, I hope very soon. (I say we are because I am sure that many are interested.)
thanks Giuseppe
It's quite doable. I actually have built a Python UI based on the serial communication code.
But it was two years ago and I want to make a better one to support updated features, such as a simulator in the center area of the canvas.