I am seeking advice on whether I have a calibration issue or a general programming issue.
I have Nybble mostly working (on low pile carpet where the friction is better than a table top). Instinct sort of do as I would expect, except during the "Hi" Instinct, (Sit, Hi1, Hi2) Hi2 phase, the tail moves over too much and topples Nybble onto it's side.
The code in Instincts.h is:
const char hi[] PROGMEM = {
1, 0, 30,
35, -5,-60, 0, -3, -3, 3, 3,-75, 30,-60,-70, 40, 75, 45, 0,};
const char hi2[] PROGMEM = {
1, 0, 30,
40, 0,-35, 0, -3, -3, 3, 3,-60, 30,-60,-70, 60, 75, 45, 0,};
! can see that joint 2 moves from -60 to -35. I can change this (to -45) and test it by trial and error, but before I do I am seeking suggestions if this is the correct approach.
Also, If I do change this am I better off re-writing the EEPROM instinct or use a less volatile approach.
Best regards
Yes, you are encouraged to fine tune the angles in instinct.h. You do need to re-upload writeInstinct.ino and enter ‘Y’ when asked whether to upload instinct to EEPROM. A simpler method is to change the suffix of the hi* skill’s name string from ‘I’ to ‘N’. You still need to re-upload writeInstinct.ino once after you make the change, and no more for future experiments. Then you can just re-upload Nybble.ino. A even simpler method is to put Nybble to Hi posture by command “khi1”, and enter “m2 angle” to figure out the best angle ranges for you.