Hi everyone,
I'm desperately trying to control my Nybble using the ardSerial.py executable, in order to try other python scripts and try to add computer vision.
I've configurated my Raspberry Pi 3b+ as explained in the assembly instructions : https://docs.petoi.com/chapter4#4-4-raspberry-pi-serial-port-as-interface
The 2 boards are communicating but the sketch doesn't start because the MPU can't initialize :

It looks like an i2c communication error but I've checked the i2c devices connected on the raspi it correctly detects the MPU ..
I don't know why I have this error... I must have missed something but I really don't understand what, could anyone help me please ?
Many thanks and best wishes,
for pi serial communication to need to set the i2c switch to the nyboard as the master NOT the pi. theres no code available yet for using i2c from pi