Does anyone have a working Arduino build for Bittle X ESP32 they can share?
I'm struggling to follow the documentation but it's left me uncertain if I have a proper build process.
I have a STEM Bittle X ESP32 but it's misbehaving at the calibration step. I'm resonably certain of the body and electrical assembly are correct; I can use the Arduino console to control all the servos and they seem to display a full 180 degree range (-90 to 90); the Rest and Calibration poses appear to be correct. The Stand pose is invalid; the rest of the poses are "close" but still invalid. Most of the behaviors are unstable and some are spasmotic. The voice command has worked only once and stopped. The IR works but some buttons are inactive.
Before I overwrite the shipped softwrae I want to be sure I have a correct build so I don't "brick" the robot. I'd also like to diagnose what's wrong with the shipped code.
I have a Windows 11 with Arduino 2.3.1. This is working; I have an Elegoo Arduino that I can write sketches to.
I've installed the ESP32 library from Expressif (v2.0.12) but found nothing on how it is used in the OpenCat.ino build..
I was able to successfully compile the OpenCat build for an Arduino UNO when disconnected from robot. It uses 99% of the program space and nearly all the dynamic memory. That doesn't use all ESP32 memory.
I didn't find any documentation on how to setup the BiBoard and only by chance, after searching all over the site, I found OpenCat32. I successfuly compiled (with a few changes due to compile errors) that with the ESP32 Dev Module:
"Sketch uses 1207073 bytes (92%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes. Global variables use 43640 bytes (13%) of dynamic memory, leaving 284040 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes."
These results are disappointing. I'm just not sure I have this right.
Do I have to use Arduino 1.18 IDE?
Do I have to use 2.0.12 Expressif version?
How to setup a BiBoard or is ESP32 Dev Module the right board?
Do we still need to use IDE 1.8.* and board support 2.0.12. Current versions are much higher now. Thanks.