Hi there.
First I wanna thanks PETOI team for bringing such great stuff.
NyBoard & software are really powerfull and efficient.
I still don't own my bittle but I designed many Quadruped robots and studied crawlers gait those past years.
This is renderings of my Bittle reverse engineering model completed this week (based on PETOI pictures, videos and any information I could grab about his great robot)
This model is quite complete and accurate. It's powered by a protoype board of my own and uses EMAX 12g sevos.
It's not the "easyprintable" version i'm working on but a real study of PETOI's work.
I will also deliver an extended version : powerfull, bigger, 3DOF legs... In the next coming weeks.
In my point of view, PETOI should develop a "PRO" version and present this amazing job more like a powerfull, research and educative crawler (and less than a toy).
Hope you'll enjoy those renderings.

Bittle reverse engineering is closely related to software engineering, as it involves analyzing and understanding software systems by deconstructing them, making it an essential skill for software engineers working on maintenance, optimization, or security. https://educatoroid.com/is-software-engineering-hard/