Friday 12th March 2021
I stumbled across the webpage for Bittle by chance and ordered a Bittle and BiBoard from the Indiegogo site the next day (ordered on 6th February 2021).
Being an impatient sort of person, I decided to try and make some parts and get a Micro Python board (Raspberry Pi Pico) for control of movement, while I wait for my Bittle in the post.
Still anxiously waiting, but now got to the point where I can share some photos of the things I have done so far.
I use OpenSCAD to make the 3D printed parts and Pico Python for the control.
I would like to point out I have NO previous robotic knowledge and up till February never printed a single 3D item on any 3D printer, so this is all very new to me.
I saw the thread written by 'Aparatum' and I was blown away with the stunning images posted,.... unfortunately mine are not in the same class, but I am learning and always making changes and improvements....

I am now working on some Pico Python scripts. This may take a couple of weeks (hobby time whilst working full time) but I will update if there is anything good enough to put here.
I will also put some videos here when I actually get it walking.
Sunday 28th March 2021
I have added some more photos of recent work on my home made quadruped robot, whilst still waiting for my Bittle and BiBoard.
It has full leg servo suspension and now has servo cable clips.
The "roll bars" on top are only there for this early test robot - I am expecting it to fall over many times during testing!
When I finish all the electronics I will go to PCB fabrication company (in China) with my PCB Gerber files and get it made up as a PCB. Now-a-days it is easier, quicker and cheaper to send the Gerbers to a PCB fabrication house than make them myself.
I will add some videos soon(ish).