Friday 12th March 2021
I stumbled across the webpage for Bittle by chance and ordered a Bittle and BiBoard from the Indiegogo site the next day (ordered on 6th February 2021).
Being an impatient sort of person, I decided to try and make some parts and get a Micro Python board (Raspberry Pi Pico) for control of movement, while I wait for my Bittle in the post.
Still anxiously waiting, but now got to the point where I can share some photos of the things I have done so far.
I use OpenSCAD to make the 3D printed parts and Pico Python for the control.
I would like to point out I have NO previous robotic knowledge and up till February never printed a single 3D item on any 3D printer, so this is all very new to me.
I saw the thread written by 'Aparatum' and I was blown away with the stunning images posted,.... unfortunately mine are not in the same class, but I am learning and always making changes and improvements....

I am now working on some Pico Python scripts. This may take a couple of weeks (hobby time whilst working full time) but I will update if there is anything good enough to put here.
I will also put some videos here when I actually get it walking.
Monday 10th May 2021
I have added the PDF of my notes and Python code to my website: