As we known, the NyBoard V0 uses a MPU-6050 6-axis IMU motion sensor. This sensor is an 8-years old model and it's not recommend for new designs.

So we're going to develop a new model with the new IMU chip and other sensors.
New IMUs:
TDK (Invensense) :
ICM20600/ICM20602 : 6-Axis, No DMP, no Arduino library
ICM20948: 9-Axis with DMP, 1.8V not compatible to mainstream MCU (needs additional voltage transform circuit and individual1.8V LDO power supply ), sparkfun library without DMP support
LSM6DS3: 6 Axis, adafruit/sparkfun library
LSM9DS1: 9 Axis, adafruit/sparkfun library
We're not going to use an individual magnetic compass sensor as it will be interfered by strong magnetic field produced by servos.
A high performance MCU platform for NyBoard is under development too.
Any suggestions for IMU sensor or other sensors you want ? eg: temperature/humidity sensor? MP3 player module? Bluetooth or WiFi?
Everyone who gives good advice or joins discussion in this post will get a special present by Len.
I'd like to see an improved frame to support the addition of a pinhole camera and IR sensors for eyes, allowing for night vision. Perhaps a second mount along with the ultrasonic frame would be possible?
USB-C battery compartment for cable charging or even to allow for a Qi wireless charging receiver to be plugged in would also be nice.
I second the addition of multiple touch, Lidar, temperature, mic and speaker sensors!
Dedicated WiFi and Bluetooth will be good, but what happens when you use Pi config, will the Pi connectivity take over?
I'll keep my thinking hat on and suggest more improvements if I think of any!
Finally, any update on the new board?
Thanks for all your hard work!
A funny small robot is under development by myself, maybe ugly ( @Rongzhong Li doesn't like it, but I like it...)
You can directly use an Arduino Nano, a GY-521 MPU-6050 , a 14500/18650 battery cell and cheap plastic servos that easy to buy and cheap.
You may try a 4-leg-without-knee robot, a car or other things you imagine. PCB is the chassis and tough enough! 6 PWMs by ATmega328P.
I will sell this kit for fun (without the brand of Petoi).
New version Nyboard V2 is under development
1. A WiFi & Bluetooth based SoC (ESP32), dual core Xtensa 6 240MHz CPU, 500K SRAM and 16MB Flash with FAT/SPIFFS filesystem. You can directly save files through Arduino IDE.
2. On board USB download circuit and Type-C interface
3. Intergated DAC output with a small D-Class amplifier, you can play small MP3/WAV files instead of the beeper~
4. 2 Serials!
5. Super special offer for V0 users!
(*V1 is a simplified version for educational use, we removed some unused pins)
I found it very difficult to mount the board on top (NyBoard plus Pi style) and still get all the wires tucked and routed under the NyBoard (i.e. in the "belly" of Nybble). Please consider alternatives that would make this easier (perhaps stand-offs that raise the NyBoard up?)
How about supporting more RAM as in an Arduino Mega?
I'd like to see 5 touch sensors (e.g. one for each paw plus one on the muzzle)
That would be a great project! Can't wait. When will the next-gen board be ready?
RPLIDAR A1M8 360 Degree Laser Scanner 😂
Exciting news!
I think that adding bluetooth and wifi connectivity would be great inhancements