In skill creation: It is specified that the limit for joint servos is -125-125 degrees, but says if an angle outside of this range is necessary, the angle ratio can be adjusted. Is there a physical limit on the servos, or can they be programmed to rotate 360 degrees?
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The servo angles can be larger. When it becomes larger than 125, an angle ratio of x2 will be calculated. It's stored in the skill array:
Considering the servos' precision, the resolution loss from 1 to 2 degrees won't be a big problem. And we don't need to double the data size to achieve similar performance.
Note the servo has a limited controllable range of 270 degrees. I've shifted the midpoints to give Bittle the maximum accessible working space.
Some 360-degree servos are not really 360-degree controllable but will continuously rotate when given edge angle instructions.