Hey there! Our lovely (or should I say, handsome) little Bittle friend has arrived. We've nicknamed him "Conan" because it means "small wolf", which is what he looks like. He's the smallest four-legged robot we own so far!
Everything has gone smoothly so far and our robo-pup is completely assembled and programmed. He's a very high-quality little guy and I believe he will follow in the footsteps of old masterpieces like the Sony AIBO. Another perfect robot! Except... he's not working at all with the IR remote!
Our Bittle needs his legs to be recalibrated (because one back leg sticks out a bit too far and causes him to fall over when he stands up). The easiest way to do this recalibration is, of course, with the remote.
Plus, we plan on taking him to a robotics demonstration we're doing in a few days, so we really want him working with his IR remote as soon as possible.
Our IR remote is definitely sending out signals because when I hold it in front of my phone camera and press any button, I can see a red glow inside the clear sensor on the remote. But the Bittle robot isn't responding to any commands from it and even the serial manager shows no commands coming from the IR remote.
Please help me to get our awesome little robot up and running as he should be. Thank you all so much and have a great day! :)
have you modified the IR remote library as mentioned in chapter 4 of bittle.petoi.com?