I am trying to run a Raspi and NyBoard together off of 2S-14500 batteries from EBL.
The NyBoard runs pretty well by itself when I send commands over the serial monitor, however the problem arises when I have the raspi on top. Suddenly, it starts to do everything very slowly, stutters, or becomes completely unreceptive.
This is a problem as I need to host a webserver and allow the Raspi to accept commands wirelessly and send the commands over serial to the NyBoard. Any suggestions for better batteries I should buy or other ideas?
Thanks for reading!!!
Do you have a video to show the problem? Is the Pi or the robot goes slow?
Do you have a way to measure the current draw from the Pi? We have tested the NyBoard's powering chip by plugging three smartphones to charge through the Pi's USB port. There was no problem.