I recently got my hands on the Grove Vision AI V2 module, and I’d like to share some ideas with the community to get your feedback:
While the native OpenCat control via the camera module seems straightforward, I’m exploring ways to integrate this module into a larger framework. Specifically, I’d like to create a ROS node for the video stream from the sensor, enabling real-time observation on a local PC.
From what I’ve seen online, tutorials for streaming video over Wi-Fi with the module typically use an additional ESP32S3 alongside the Grove Vision AI V2 to enable Wi-Fi capabilities. However, I believe this extra module might be unnecessary since the BiBoard already has built-in Wi-Fi. It seems feasible to connect to Wi-Fi directly through the BiBoard, eliminating the need for the ESP32S3.
Furthermore, if the BiBoard is connected to Wi-Fi, it should be possible to run a ROS node directly on it. Right now, I’m using a Raspberry Pi to create a ROS node on the robot, but leveraging the BiBoard for this purpose would be a much more streamlined and elegant solution.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this approach!
I like this topic a lot!
In my limited past experience with ROS on a Raspberry Pi controlled robot, the challenge was getting all of the software parts to work properly together. In that case, ROS was added to an existing robot. This gave subtle incompatibilities between ROS, Linux and the underlying software that actually controlled the robot, which were all running on the Pi. It seems to me that those complexities can be minimized with Bittle as long as ROS and Linux reside on the Raspberry Pi and OpenCatEsp32 alone lives on the BiBoard.
That said, putting some form of ROS on the BiBoard itself is a very interesting idea. Micro-ROS is known to run on an ESP32-WROOM-32E chip (the BiBoard currently has a ESP32-WROOM-32D chip). However, it is unclear to me how one could put both Micro-ROS and OpenCatEsp32 both on the BiBoard since this introduces the same sort of complexities that, personally, I am now trying to avoid.
Your idea of introducing only a ROS node on the BiBoard then seems like the way to go. This has been done for Arduinos so a small modification to the OpenCatEsp32 source code should make this possible with minimal complexity. I agree that using the built in BiBoard WiFi to stream the camera should be possible.
BTW, I looked at your earlier posts but it wasn't clear to me how your Raspberry Pi is connected to the BiBoard of your Bittle. In one of your videos, it looked like it may be attached somehow above the BiBoard. Could you elaborate on the physical and communication connections between your Pi and the BiBoard on your robots?