Hi, I was seeing few videos on how to connect your old RC transmitter with the arduino. It seems possible but you need as well entire board from the RC Car that will decode the signal. I have both. The question is on how to connect it with Nybble board - if possible at all. It would be cool if it is possible to controll Nybble that way. I am willing to try and will be doing some research in the following days. Any hint/advise is appreciated.
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Thanks for the reply, another thought, by following instructions for a bluetooth module, can you pair that module with PS3 or PS4 controller?
Hi, do you mean RC model transmitter as Tamiya etc ?
As the limitation of Flash / Frequency / UART Serial in ATMega328P, the opencat now cannot compatible with RC model transmitter officially.
There's 6-8 PWM channels in a typical RC transmitter and it's difficult to set your RC transmitter for a "Cat like" Model. Use S-BUS or PPM signal is not supported by NybbleBoard V0 (only 1 UART Serial supported by chip).
We will try to support RC BUS signal in next generation of NybbleBoard V1 that has another UART~
My poor English LOL~
The most convenient way is to wire the serial port on NyBoard and communicate with string tokens: