When I ordered the first batch of materials for the kit, I was unsure how many units would be sold. So we put small orders and were never successful in getting a manufacturer to make customized panels for our infrared remotes. Now we are preparing a new batch of inventory, and I think it's a chance to make the panel more stylish and intuitive.
I was also inspired by Igor Dobec's post on the Template for Remote. So before I approach some designers, I made the precise measurements of the panel and want to share the design materials here. Maybe you can get some better ideas. It could become a fully customized plastic panel for future users or a sticker that can be printed to cover your old remote.

Of course, there are many factors/constraints to consider:
The symbols should be simple to print clearly in a small area
It's better to be symbolic and irrelevant to a specific language
The remote will be used for both Nybble and Bittle, so they should be generic for different skills. (see the code section below)
The style of the symbols should be consistent
Let's see what will come out of the community!💡
//abbreviation //gait/posture/function names
#define K00 "d" //rest and shutdown all servos
#define K01 "F" //forward
#define K02 "g" //turn off gyro feedback to boost speed
#define K10 "L" //left
#define K11 "balance" //neutral stand up posture for balancing
#define K12 "R" //right
#define K20 "p" //pause motion and shut off all servos
#define K21 "B" //backward
#define K22 "c" //calibration mode with IMU turned off
#define K30 "vt" //stepping
#define K31 "cr" //crawl
#define K32 "wk" //walk
#define K40 "tr" //trot
#ifdef NYBBLE
#define K41 "lu" //look up
#define K42 "buttUp" //butt up
#else //BITTLE
#define K41 "ck" //check around
#define K42 "pd" //play dead
#define K50 "hi" //greeting
#define K51 "pu" //push up
#define K52 "pee" //standng with three legs
#define K60 "str" //stretch
#define K61 "sit" //sit
#define K62 "zero" //zero position

Great idea. It's surprisingly confusing with the music inputs on the buttons (I must be getting old!)