i tried to calibrate the serovs but all i heard was a little vibration. So i tested them in testServo and they didnt move i tried wiring them the other way round but still nothing happened. Is this a hardware issue or am I doing something wrong? Also the bluetooth LED is flashing red but the programs are definately uploading. But in windows settings it says paired instead of connected
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You need to change "Newline" to "No line ending", then reopen the serial monitor and enter yyy.
So the servos are working but whenever i try to calibrate they dont move.
Could you take a video to show how you set the robot up? Details of the two sides of the board, wiring, and screen recordings will be very useful.
update: i pressed the reset button and then tthe back left knee started rotating constantly for around a minute until i stopped it by uploading testServo (which still isnt doing anything). Now Writeinstinct wont even upload