Hello! I am a beginner of Bittle and I am trying to connect my Pi 4 to the Nyboard V1_0's 2x5 socket
but I read that once I solder the socket, the original back cover can't be used. Therefore, I would like to ask if any way I can buy just one extra Nyboard V1_0 for experiments with Pi please.
In fact, I got the Pi 4 USB connection to use with the ardSerial.py ok but not sure if the same would work for the 2x5 socket yet and so I have concern to solder the socket...
Thanks in advance.
Thanks, Rongzhong! I plan to order the Nyboard and the Bluetooth board then.
I need to mount the Pi 4 as I already set it into Ubuntu with ROS and Lidar connection working and so I want to see if I can mount it to test the feature.
However, it seems that Pi 4 with Ubuntu makes it difficult for the UART to work normally too.
So I soldered the 2x5 socket and just wired the 3 pins TX, RX, GND and used another Rasp OS Pi 3 to test the ardSerial.py.
To my surprise, it would work the first time usually and then the second time would fail. Looks like some ser.inWaiting issue or flushing issue?!
And there's also difference if I modified the original Python 2 version to the Python 3 version, it could be worse with the Python 3 version. That may be another reason why Pi 4 would not work as it's Python 3 default for Pi 4 Ubuntu too.
Anyway, I will keep debugging to see if I can find out better solution...