Hi, I have seen the post before my question just now but the biggest problem is that my modified version .h file was unable to load into my program, so I can't reduce the used space since it exceeds the memory of the nyboard.......
@Infinite Hunter Still check the user manual, right in the following paragraph. It explained how you should modify the IRremote.h file. Please read through the manual and follow the steps. There are a lot of contents for this robot.
Hi bro, i have redone everything based on ur recommendation, but i cant figure out the problem since i believed that the IRremote library might have been changed recently.....thanks for trying to help me
@Dobromir Hi I was stucked at the stage when I wanted to upload the OpenCat.ino to bittle, I can upload the code but the serial monitor said that the irrecv.decode(& results) was deprecated and may not work as expected,so I couldn't do the leg calibration of bittle, and so I can't install the legs yet.
@Infinite Hunter I'm not sure where the error comes from as it more looks like compilation message than serial monitor one. But start from uploading WriteInstinct to calibrate MPU6050. Try that as your first sketch. And don't forget to set serial monitor to "no line ending"
Hi, you need to install version 2.6.1 of the IRremote. Check chapter 4 of bittle.petoi.com.
Hi bro, i have redone everything based on ur recommendation, but i cant figure out the problem since i believed that the IRremote library might have been changed recently.....thanks for trying to help me
: )
@Infinite Hunter can you share what worked so far? Like uploading writeinstinct etc. I mean at what stage of instructions are you stuck?