I've now received my Petoi and it took about 1h to assemble and configure but unfortunately it's not working as expected. It either goes into calibration mode or is limited to one jerky movement (seems like it's trying to bark?)
Here's my process:
> Petoi hardware assembly
> Downloaded required libraries for IDE (Adafruit PWM Servo Driver and IRremote 2.6.1 libs)
> After fixing the irremote.h file I uploaded WriteInstinct.ino and YY's in the serial (there are only 2 Y requests btw, not 3). The MPU appeared to be configured properlly.
> I then uploaded Opencat.ino and this was also successful with the long beep indicating there was no battery.
> I then calibrated the Petoi legs using serial. After all calibration was successful, any command I send to Petoi via serial or via IR remote the Petoi only does one of two things:
A) Successfully goes into Calibration mode (all 4 legs to reset position)
B) Jerk movement like it's trying to bark, mount something or maybe has worms ......
The only commands that do work in the serial are something like this: m0 30
I looked around in the forum and in the documentation and there is nothing regarding this issue.
Board is: NyBoard V1_0
Thanks in advance for any help!
have you set the serial monitor as no line ending and 115200 baud rate before sending "Y" with writeInstinct.ino?