I got my bittle a few days ago and so far, he seems to be connected and got the board to run but am having issues running calibration. Remote doesn't work at all, so I am trying to set calibration to c. I can hear the joints making noise and I align them with that menu on, but when I try to do the kbalance, the legs only move a slight bit or not at all. I have tried running it with both opencat io and writeinstinct with similar results. My calibration constants are reading weird too even though they should be resetting to zero points when I use the c key according to the instructions. Does anyone know what the issue could possibly be with the weird constants and the joints not moving how they should. I would greatly appreciate the help.
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The battery died at the beginning of the video was the main problem because this had occurred after an initial calibration. I was able to get it working by putting yes into the write instincts option with everything removed to get to to calibrate properly. After that, I was able to get it to do the balance and sit commands. The video was a lot easier to follow than the step by step in terms of calibration setup. That was super helpful in the end when I finally had working audio.
I find several problems in your video:
You need to turn on the battery by long pressing the button. The battery is a must to move the servos. The legs won't move without the power from the battery.
You need to take off the legs before entering the joint calibration mode. After the servos rotates to the calibration angle, you can install the legs in right angles.
When calibrating the IMU with WriteInstinct.ino, you need to push the robot leveled on the ground.
I was able to get this much video of constants writing before my battery died.
Yes, please shoot a video of how you upload the code, the whole serial monitor outputs, and how the robot reacts.
I got the kit, not the preassembled version. I was following those steps and the offsets should have saved. I was getting data for the first numbers of each in the 1000s when the write instinct is saying they should be closer to zero. I can try to get a video of the read outs tomorrow for better troubleshooting.
Did you get the assembled Bittle or kit? We tested the assembled Bittle and they should be all working, except that you need to fine-tune the joints. If you got the kit, there are a lot of configurations. Make sure to read all the notes in order.
According to your description, it seems that you haven't saved the constants with WriteInstinct.ino. The corresponding chapter is chapter 6, calibration.