Hi, Just assembled Bittle up to paragraph #4 Board Configure. I downloaded the apps
1. Arduino - when opened, headline reads “sketch_may27d | Arduino 1.8.19.”
2. OpenCat.ino - when opened headline reads “OpenCat | Arduino 1.8.19”
If I read correctly, I skip paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 (bracketed with brown line).
Paragraph 4.2.3 shows Arduino file opened with headline reading “Arduino File Edit Sketch Tools Help”.
How do I get there. What file(s) am I missing?
Searching the Forum, YouTube videos etc has not helped so basically “stuck” at paragraph 4.2.3. Any help would be appreciated. I have basically no programming experience. My desktop is an iMac.
I was gone from my computer for past three hours, therefore Lark access codes expired. Please send again. Thanx.
Lark won't allow me to download the driver. They say I must request permission from you. I have added you to my Contact file.
Have you connected the green USB programmer to your mac? After that, you should be able to see a new port. If not, you may need to install the driver: https://tn2lsjcal7.larksuite.com/drive/folder/fldusANNJtuYuZmpAfOZVlHvcKN And you can find the lines of code in OpenCat/WriteInstinct/OpenCat.h.
I have the Bittle connected to my Mac’s USB port. RED LED on USB Uploader board, BLUE LED on the NyBoard. Under Arduino “Tools” menu, mine is reading different than shown in figure in 4.2.3. Perhaps a newer version?
1. I am able to select “Arduino Uno”, just don’t have the intermediate step (don’t have choice Arduino AVR Boards or NyBoard-avr) as shown in paragraph 4.23. I assume this is OK. See my Fig 1.
2. However, how do I select a new port? I only have ports for iPad and Bluetooth showing. Do I add in preference? If so, how? Fig 2, 3 & 4.
I opened OpenCat and found only (Fig 5)
#ifdef BITTLE
Thank you again so much for taking time to get me started on this project.
Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated. Hopefully I will have no more silly problems.
Your heading being GREEN threw me off. Mine is just plain.
Perhaps change in OS ?
Great. I just didn't notice the heading changing on m y 27" screen. 谢谢你
If you have downloaded Arduino and installed it on your Mac, you can click on the OpenCat/OpenCat.ino or OpenCat/src/src.ino and they will be opened by Arduino IDE automatically.
My error. Sorry. I clicked on the green area for OpenCat and found the heading on the Mac.
Sorry for being confused, but where do I find the green Arduino Window. I have only down loaded the two referenced earlier. Clicking on the green in these two downloads gives nothing. Is the Arduino window (you are referencing) on the Nyboard or a download from the Internet?
You just click anywhere within the green Arduino window area, and should see the heading on the left top corner of your desktop, outside of the Arduino window.
That's my problem. How do I get into the Arduino window. I am apparently missing something basic. Where is Arduino window?
If you are working in the Arduino window and make it active, you should see the heading on the top left corner of your global desktop.
Thank you for your quick reply. I am on a Mac (OS 10.12.6) and not seeing the heading referenced in your Bittle User Manual paragraph 4.2.3 - Arduino/File/Edit/Sketch/Tools/Help. I suspect I am missing a download. I downloaded 1) Arduino IDE and 2) OpenCat. Neither have the above
heading shown on my Mac. What download am I missing, please?
Hi, the heading of “Arduino File Edit Sketch Tools Help” is the menu style of Mac OS. On Windows machine, you can find the menu within the Arduino IDE, and it moves with the panel.