Bryan JenneweinFeb 24Installing OpenCat on non-NyBoards (Like Arduino Nano)LikeReactions024 comments24Views
Hi, I've just purchased a Bittle and have discovered I don't have the version with voice commands (it needs an "X")!If I get a BiBoard and the HAT extension, can I just install those and then make voice commands work?
Does the BiBoard have any other benefits? Does it have more moemory?
I'd like to move onto developing enhancements on the platform, and it looks like (from the comments in the code) the NyBoard’s memory is fairly full before adding things.
You can also get the voice command module and plug it into a Nyboard as I did.
Yes, I recently did the same thing. The Hat Extension has the voice module built in. BTW, I am assuming you have a Bittle with NyBoard currently, yes?