I purchased the Bittle in China and I am at the early stage of installation aiming at developing new skills to teach. One of the reason of my purchasing it to replace some plastic materials the legs and body are made of (it looks PC/ABS material) with high performing polymers to assure a long-term better performance in terms of resilience, impact and creep resistance. My intention is to exhibit it as a application example at Chinaplas in Shanghai in April 2022 at the stand of the company I work for. The company is a manufacturer of high performing polymers (EMS Chemie) . Am I allowed to do it ? Thanks for your quick feed-back
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sorry I cannot properly understand beside unscrew the NyBoard. Could you please expand a bit ? Thanks
Thanks I prepare the 3D part. Another issue: I am buying RPi 3+A, but it seems I keep receiving delay notification in delivery. Have you got any suggestion for starting run some tests using the RPi 4 which I already got ? Though the size is different is have you got any hint for making a temporary connection on the NYBoard socket ?
Probably it was a VPN problem being in CN, because I can get now to the ardSerial.py . As soon as I receive the RPi 3+A board I will connect it to the NYBoard as instructed. By the way I read somewhere that the stand-off 4 pieces can be 3D printed : where can I found the drawings ?
@Rongzhong Li yes , but I receive an error at https://github.com/PetoiCamp/OpenCat/blob/main/SerialMasterPython/ardSerial.py
we are ready to start the mold processing with the selected material. However as pre-requisite I need to assure the my RPi can properly operate to control Bittle postures based on external visual indication. I studied the pyBittle library and I deem it very useful for the coding purpose. However I would like an indication about RPi suitable setting /interface for communicating properly with Ny board. Is there one documentation to refer to ? When searching I found many, but none yet in which I felt all issues were settled. Thanks
@Rongzhong Li no need thanks for it. I look forward to having the mold cavity design ready for legs and hood and I will be back to you
Thanks, finally the serial port communicate through USB
No, just ignore the original USB adapter and connect your new one with the NyBoard. DTR to DTR, GND to GND, etc.
@Jason you mean that I will install the FTDI pins into the original USB adapter (uploader) which I received with Petoi package, right ? Could you please tell me the correspondence exactly to pay attention to ? I think you refer to DTR Tx Rx +5V RTS GND, right ?
Thanks prof.Li, for ther quick reply. I just ordered one locally. Is there anything to pay particular attention to during the installation ?
'USB adapter'
I saw the video in another post (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdXOwde1uOY). Maybe it is because of the USB cable(not a data line) or USB adapter(something wrong with it )?
@Jason thanks, but on Arduino Uno the ports are visible and work flawless: I do not think is a USB driver issue. Or can it be in relation to CH340SER driver ?
Please refer to this manual to reinstall the usb uploader driver:
I re-installed the bluetooth driver and repeated pairing from start. I hope it will provide a stable connection. Thanks
Bluetooth connection works on Windows 7 now: I could upload opencat.ino and run basic commands from serial monitor. Yet I cannot connect with USB uploader: is CH340SER problem ?
I see in the instructions USB Downloader : 'Insert the 6-pin(H1) to the NyBoard's downloader and then connect the module with the Micro-USB cable in the package to your PC.': this is what I did , but I did not understand the warning "Do not plug the NyBoard and the module at the same time! That will make a mistake." Is is related to the trouble I am facing ?
I just read comment about installing FTDI USB Drivers for win xp, 7 driver for Arduino Uno and it helped to solve the Arduino Uno port issue. Yet Bittle port cannot be seen, also not under 'other device'
I send separately pictures I referred to in previous comment
CH341SER installed on Win7
Connection through Bluetooth on Win7, testBuzzer.ino uploaded successfully
Error uploading opencat.ino
Parts received with Bittle: USB adapter, Bluetooth adapter, WIFI adapter, socket, IR ctr set
Serial Module Output of testBuzzer.ino
COM7, COM8 on Bluetooth
I went through repeated attempts to verify the serial ports of my Windows 7 PC and Ubuntu 20.4 systems to see if there was any anomaly in the set environment.
I tried also to install the driver required CH341SER.
in Ubuntu 20.4 the CH341SER cannot be installed. I googled a 12 days older update to solve existing bugs, but apparently there is still an additional one. I can work on serial ports with Arduino uno on both Ubuntu and Windows 7.
On Windows 7 I found out the my ports drivers have some issues.
At the end I tested the bluetooth connection through the board provided.
By the way as you can see in the pictures the boards are labelled in a different way from what I can see in your instructions and I would like your confirmation that it is fine to work with them.
The Petoi Chinese re-seller instructed to refer to following web-site for instructions: https://www.yuque.com/tinkergen-help-cn/bittle/weird_behavior
The Bluetooh connection works on Windows 7 and I could upload testBuzzer.ino with output on the serial module indication there is something wrong with Arduino IDE configuration. I set COM8 as output port as I read in the instructions.
Finally the originally loaded sketch allowing Bittle to stand-up from back-side position is cancelled and replaced by the buzzer sketch.
You can see attached pictures showing what I am explaining.
In such situation it seems that I cannot work with Ubuntu 20.4; bluetooth seems a way out, but there is still the warning I mentioned above.
I tried the command ksit from serial module, having still COM 8 as outgoing port, but no reaction.
Any hint ?