I found the same thing. I tried downloading the file file as well as cloning the GitHub. In both cases I get an error in the Arduino IDE of "invalid library ... no header files". The directory does have them. I tried zipping the specific directory (as mentioned above), but see the same error. Is there a way to verify if things are okay? The tool tells me the library already exists, but shows the error as well. Thanks.
You need to unzip I2Cdevlib, and move the subfolder MPU6050/ and I2Cdev/ to Documents/Arduino/libraries.
I found the same thing. I tried downloading the file file as well as cloning the GitHub. In both cases I get an error in the Arduino IDE of "invalid library ... no header files". The directory does have them. I tried zipping the specific directory (as mentioned above), but see the same error. Is there a way to verify if things are okay? The tool tells me the library already exists, but shows the error as well. Thanks.
Ah, it seems that you need to zip that dir first. It worked for me.