hi I was so much inspired by your project and decided to make one myself I 3d printed the parts I followed wiring diagram given below similar to your's

I used ardiuno uno instead of nano,and a lab bench power supply instead of battery ,also I didnt used infrared receiver,buzzer and raspberry pi since i want to test it with serial communication through usb initially.I wired up the servo's in correct manner and followed the calibration procedure
1)First i uploaded WriteInstinct and open serial monitor typed y to reset the joints make the arms 90 degree and fitted the servo arm but i cant calibarate mpu module it is showing me image below

But if press c command in serial monitor i can see the index and offset value and my servo are responding if i change offset values with commands(say c0 20,etc) after that i saved the calibration
if i try r command or k balance it showing wrong key! but it shut down servos for d command then i tried to upload the Nybble code .After uploading some value keep on displaying after some strings like in image, there is no response for the any command (i have tried k sit,k balance,rest) .how can fix it.

Hi, did you get it to work with EEPROM or without the EEPROM? also do you still have the code when you get it to work? Thank you!
I learned it by googling my problems and experimented to find the best solutions. My background in physics and computer science also helped.
Thank you so much .As beginner in electronics I thought it will take a long time for me to make this project working but with your help i made it working in short time and also understood logic's behind the code and the robot in short period of time.I finished testing everything as the next step I am going for final assembly of the robot with proper C.G and as battery powered one with bluetooth compatible.
Some suggestion please about places where i can learn more things about robotics and such projects.
2. I'm using a 8KB I2C EEPROM in the circuit. When testing its functionality, I'm using some random address to start writing the test text. If your EEPROM is smaller and happens to wrap over, you may see some strange characters.
3. The servos should be free to rotate and not get stuck by any limbs. Otherwise they will draw large current as if they were pure resistors.
4. OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD is a parameter to determine whether the FIFO buffer of MPU is full and needs to restart.
Thank you for you reply.
1)I set to "no line ending" calibration for mpu is showing up and successful
2)If u don't mind can you explain what you meant on point 2.
3)I adjusted threshold and it works (no looping) commands seem to work but there is noise in servos and drawing current upto 1 -2 amps
4)what OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD mean? do I need to change it
First to check: do you have an I2C EEPROM wired in your circuit? If not, you have to comment out the
//#define I2C_EEPROM
in Instinct.h and reduce the number of skills to fit in the flash memory.
Check this post for better understanding on the memory management.
The numbers in the main loop is the voltage watcher. It uses A0 pin of Arduino to monitor the batteries' voltage and refuses to work if too low.