Hello! I recently received a bittle and I'm quite excited to play with it! Unfortunately, I'm getting some strange behaviour from the board. I'm able to compile and upload WriteInstinct.ino (my Arduino doesn't like uploading so I'm using the ICSP port), but I only get strange characters out of the Serial:

I'm only using the board, no servos are attached.
I have tried some basic debugging already:
- I thought the fuse might be set incorrectly, but the fuse looks normal (Ext: 0xFD, High: 0xDE, Low: 0xFF). Is this the expected setting?
- Basic clock testing with the buzzer (beeping at 1s interval) is successful
- #define F_CPU 20000000UL didn't help
- Lowering the baud rate to 9600 still produces strange characters
- I have tried using other serial software (screen, minicom), the same result occurs
- I've tried using different serial adapters, the same result occurs
- The UART signal looks normal (the wave is clean squares @ almost 5V, scope can't decode the UART correctly)
- Behavior occurs on both Windows / Linux host
I'm a little stuck, has anyone had this problem before? =(
Never mind me - fixed it (compiled as Arduino Uno board instead of NyBoard)