Hello, I am stuck with a problem with ros serial communication from a raspberry Pi zero running Raspbian Buster server image and ROS Melodic following instructions from https://www.hackster.io/dmitrywat/bittle-teleoperation-with-ros-and-raspberry-pi-22c454 By Dmitry Maslov
As far as I can tell the master Ubuntu 20.04 and slave on the raspberry Pi zero are working correctly, I have used the appropriate permissions
sudo usermod -a -G dialout,tty pi
sudo usermod -aG tty pi, and enabled serial trough raspi-config.running master and slave gives me velocity messages in terminal when I steer using rqt_robot_steering and I get a video feed from the USB cam. When a command is sent from the rqt_robot_steering GUI, I get a beep but the robot doesn’t move.
This is not a hardware problem. I used the steps from the Petoi ros page https://docs.petoi.com/apis/rosboth nodes ran perfectlyrosrun opencat_server opencat_service_nodesending command below was executed perfectly.rosrun opencat_examples opencat_examples_client_cpp
Can anyone help with the issue?Thanks!

I also had issues getting the serial communication to work on ROS melodic following that article. A good place to check in his repository is his bittle_driver.py script. I had to change the baud rate to 115200 to get it to work. I have also detailed instructions on raspberry pi setup here: https://github.com/gravesreid/autonomous-bittle.git I created these instructions after many hours of trial and error to get serial communication working from the Pi to Bittle. I have tested that they work on raspberry pi zero, zero 2w, pi 4, and pi 5. A key issue that I've noticed recently is that port ttys0 does not always work, I suspect this is due to an update to the raspberry pi setup. To work around this, I disabled bluetooth and modified the scripts to use port ttyAMA0. Details for this are also in the instructions. As far as ROS goes, I have recently made a ROS2 package that has the same functionality as the tutorial you linked, with the addition of control through a generic USB controller, such as this one: https://vilros.com/collections/retro-gaming/products/vilros-snes-classic-weighted-usb-gamepad-set As well as video streaming through a USB camera or Raspberry pi camera. The repository is here: https://github.com/gravesreid/bittle_ros2.git If you want to use the usb controller functionality, you'll also need the messages package I made for it: https://github.com/gravesreid/bittle_msgs.git I'm actively working with and updating this package.