I'm getting close to having Nybble working properly, but I'm experiencing two problems. I have the Nybble kickstarter kit with the v02 board. I've also installed a Pi on Nybble, but haven't used it yet:
I have assembled Nybble, calibrated him, and uploaded the Nybble sketch. When I turn him on, the remote will accept a single command, but then stop. This video shows Nybble standing up when "Balance" (Fast Forward on the remote) is pressed. It seems the servos are whining, so I figured I must have some calibration issues.
But here is another video pressing "Walk" (100+ button on the remote). He moves a little. The servos don't whine in this action, but other actions from remote button presses aren't starting.
So I figured I'd run WriteInstinct again, but now I can't upload sketches to Nybble. With the FTDI plugged in (images shown below),

I plug in the same USB data cable I'd used previously. The RX and TX lights flash briefly, but the power light on the FTDI stays on. Port shows /dev/cu.USBSerialA500CF99, as expected. I've tried setting the Board to both ATmega328P (5V, 20MHz) NyBoard V0_1 (as shown), as well as Arduino Pro or Pro Mini, both offer the same result. I've tried several sketches - WriteInstinct, testBuzzer, both produce the same result. I've taken a screenshot showing each sketch is up, the error output, as well as what shows in the serial monitor. After the upload fail I think the "Nybble" sketch that was uploaded previously (and successfully) starts running and the output seen in the serial monitor is from that sketch. If I try typing in a command like "ksit" into the serial monitor, it isn't accepted. I've switched batteries, restarted my Mac, downloaded the very latest Arduino IDE, but the results are the same.

I believe I've gone through everything listed in the checklist linked in the FAQ. Curiously, at one point while I typed this Nybble started gyrating in all sorts of ways without receiving any command from me. I turned him off. Any suggestions are most welcome. Thanks! John
The problem may be in the connection of the uploader. Restart the computer and open Arduino IDE. Look for the uploader in the ports menu. Unplug Raspberry Pi to test the connection so that the battery will have less load.