Thanks for everyone for join the OpenCat Robot Around the World Contest as we celebrate 8 years of OpenCat open source robotics framework! ๐ย
We received some incredible entries showcasing the creativity and talent of our OpenCat community:
We're thrilled to announce the winners:
Check out all the winners' OpenCat quadruped robot videos now!
@Reid Graves or @Reid Graves (you apparently have two accounts, "gravesreid" and "rgraves" - perhaps delete one?), I loved the work you are are doing regarding emulating ant swarms and autonomous behavior. I noticed you are using a a crouch gate instead of a walking gait; is that to better control robot movement for your work? Seems like a pretty clever idea!
BTW, the crouch gate servo movements seems rather rapid - is the video speed up or is that the true speed of the crouch gate servo movements?
Looking forward to seeing more of your work! ๐