Bryan JenneweinFeb 24Installing OpenCat on non-NyBoards (Like Arduino Nano)LikeReactions024 comments24Views
When I press digit 5 on the remote control, the bittle will flip and land on its back and do the push up. How to solve this problem?
Yes, already changed. Currently everything is working fine. Just waiting for anyone to post back flip skill or any other new skill.
After downloading the OpenCat file and unzip, have you modified the folder name to OpenCat, rather than OpenCat-main?
I remember come across somewhere that the back flip code is hidden in the writeinstinct.ino sketch. How to assign a button on the IR remote to activate this skill?
I have finally managed to reupload the codes. Thanks.
MPU6050 use which version?
MPU 6050 not compatible
Is percentage of 87 and 58 acceptable?
You need to install version 2.6.1 of IRremote library then modify the IRremote.h file.
Latest I get is 97% storage occupancy....
Maybe I get the wrong IRremote.h
already done
It shouldn't take that much memory. Have you modified the IRremote.h as instructed in chapter 4 of
Is it ok that the storage occupy 93% and the working memory (RAM) occupy 67% after compiling?