Hello! My Nybble is setup and configured and calibrated and all of that. She can walk and do all sorts of cool things!
For some reason however no matter how much I calibrate the right front paw or the left rear paw are about a 1/4" off the ground when I do sit and if I do the hi command it works in one direction but Nybble unfortunately falls over if she waves the left paw.
I spent quite a long time calibrating and it's as near perfect as it will get. I also improved it quite a bit by making sure all the servos were flush. It's still a bit off though and wonder what I could do to trouble shoot it. I took a measuring tape and the shoulder to shoulder is the same length on the left and right side if you measure front to back. So to me that means only a slight tilt on either the front shoulders or back pelvis is off but I don't know how to go about fixing that. Everything is pushed together tight as it can go.
This really bothers me because the hi command is how I introduce Nybble to people. Any help greatly appreciated.
Quick fix:
You can add a customized button in the mobile app to force the cat to wave a specific arm.
The 'R' after "khi" specifies the right arm. Correspondingly, you can use 'L' to specify the left arm. A single "hi" will let the cat randomly pick one arm.
Another fix:
You may import this optimized Hi skill to your mobile app and test its effect.
You can download the following file on your phone and use the Petoi app to open it. It should automatically create a button for you.
2. Alternatively, you can create a button and paste the following code into the code area:
0,-20,-65,0,0,0,0,0,30,41,-90,-72,60,46,45,5, 8,2,0,0,
If it works, you can reupload the newest OpenCat code to your robot. You must use Arduino IDE to upload because the desktop app is updated less frequently than the source code.
BTW, you can modify any skills using the Skill Composer.
@Rongzhong Li Hello. I have a very similar issue, i.e. i did not want to open a new thread: After updating the firmware of my bittle to the newest version and recalibrating the servos push ups dont work as expected, bittle directly falls to his back and does some 'air' push ups in the direction of the ceiling :-) Every other skill within the app works as expected.