Hi Rongzhong Li, We are having a problem with calibration with Nybble (NyBoard v1_0):
We have connected all servos to the board and verified with testServo that all servos are working correctly and mapped to their correct number (0-15). We then uploaded WriteInstinct and entered calibration mode ('c'). The servos rotated to zero and we attached the thighs. However when we go to fine-tune the thigh servos ('c3 -4') nothing happens - we get the single buzzer but the servo does not rotate. We do however see that the calibration has changed in the Serial Plotter (i.e. 3 now has a value of -4). When we send 'kbalance' Nybble moves, although it looks incorrect. And when we go back to calibration, Nybble moves back to the calibration pose just fine, but she just doesn't respond to the fine-tuning commands.
Hello, I also noticed that small steps often are not executed by the servo, since the values read from the internal potentiometer by the servo firmware are not too much accurate, and this happens with a lot of servos. You need to step away: so, if moving from a c14, 3 to a c14, 4 does not move the servo, do a c14, 7 and then c14, 3 again.
However keep in mind that the servo number are not intuitive, and I had to keep the reference image of the servo numbers to not be confused:
it happened also to me to try to move a NON EXISTING servo....😁