I have an issue with the forearm servos (12, 13, 14, 15) in which they do not respond to commands of any sort, and are able to be manually moved and with little resistance when doing so. All the other servos respond as they should and no other issues are present.
Troubleshooting, I have done the following: reinstalled the firmware, checked all connections, swapped source code as specified in other posts, ensured the battery is working properly, used both bluetooth and wired connections when doing the above, and followed all documentation provided.
My specifications are:
NyBoard V1_2
Bittle robot dog
Hi, sorry I just recovered from the COVID. Could you take a pictures of the detailed wire connection and the top side of the NyBoard?
Double check that the servos are plugged int the right ports (The rear-most 2 connectors closest to the front, not the 2 closest to the front)