When I follow https://docs.petoi.com/chapter6 using WriteInstinct.ino, MPU calibration seems to work as described, but when afterwards I press 'c', nothing happens, servos don't move and the long calibration table (Index/Offset) doesn't print. By inserting a print statement, I verified that execution reaches line 259 of WriteInstinct.ino. I just pulled latest from git repo so it's the latest code.
Tried testing the servos by running testServo.ino - if I just run it, servo on pin 1 goes back and forth; but if I enter 'a', all servos move once and then stop moving. The output on the serial monitor, if I do that, goes from reasonable numbers (less than 1000 in absolute value) to very large numbers (attached) - not sure if that is connected to the calibration issue.
Any idea what could be going on there?
Thanks a lot!
Sorry for taking so long to reply. When trying to reproduce, problem went away. :)
I think it's got something to do with the 'no line ending' setting in the serial monitor, enabling that and trying again a couple of times made it work like it should have. Would be great if you could adjust the input parser to no longer require this setting, or at least prominently add it to the setup instructions - was very confusing for me, and I only found it after reading the forums, in a seemingly unrelated topic!
All working now, thanks a lot!
Setting serial monitor to 'no line ending' as suggested in another post fixed the testServos.ino issue but not the calibration issue - that behaves exactly as before.