Calibration seemed to be going fine - I got everything in place after lots of iteration and rotating the servos. I send the command `d` to the terminal and I get this:
then I execute the `kbalance` command and I get this - three of the legs seem to start to move in the right direction while the left front lower leg moves up:
Also the remote seems to have stopped working.
Please halp! 😬
> Have you saved the opencast.ino to Bittle after you used WriteInstinct.ino to calibrate everything?
I didn't think I had done that - I believe everytime I thought something was off I did the whole procedure over again, but I'll try it again
> I had trouble with my remote as well. Have you used the testIfraredRemote.ino in the test modules and watched what happens on the serial monitor? yeah nothing was showing up in the serial monitor, but I'll try going through the software upload process again in entirety
Good idea on starting from the stand-up position and lower legs not touching the table - I'll give that a shot thanks!
Well the first thing I can say is that by the first picture your calibration is off! The back leg looks too far forward. I am not sure it this is listed but I have found the best way to calibrate is to start by listing all the feet off the ground, calibrate the legs and then bring the legs down until there is about a paper thickness between the foot and the table. This ensure things are not getting thrown off by a foot pressing too hard on the table.
Have you saved the opencast.ino to Bittle after you used WriteInstinct.ino to calibrate everything?
I had trouble with my remote as well. Have you used the testIfraredRemote.ino in the test modules and watched what happens on the serial monitor?