Attempting to assist in the assembly of the body and am finding the instructions jump too quickly from garner your pieces to here’s what it looks like all assembled. I’m looking at a Google Doc called, “Assembling Instructions for Nybble” 1/14/2019. I’m stuck at 3.2 Body. I found a video tutorial which was helpful. Can anyone point to other available resources for a novice?
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You can buy the batteries online: Here are some pictures of the new design assembled
Are there any videos that have the new body assembly? We're struggling to match pieces and where they go from the version in the video to what we bought. Even some stilll images of assembled new design from several angles would ne a helpful puzzle solver.
Also, happened to go to Batteries Plus today looking for the 3.7v 14500 batteries and was told they're discontinued
Not in stock from Walmart either
Any suggestions where to buy online in US? Nothing came up on Amazon.
The newer designer is neater and stronger, if you discover the functionality later on.
Yes. It looks like I may have a slightly different version than what is being put together in that video. It looks like there are 2 body pieces on the underside, but I have just the one with a channel cut through the middle. I’m pretty sure I have v02.
Have you seen the assembling animation? note that the long straight Y pieces are updated to be symmetric in terms of screw holes.