I have the ongoing problem that after calibration, as soon I try to set Bittle into any other pose the legs move in the totally wrong direction. That means the legs turn themself into the own body or into angles the legs are not designed for. The typical result is that the legs fall off (since I didn't secure them with screws yet).
I have the NyBoard_V1_1.
The routine I tried now multiple times:
- Open "WriteInstinct.ino"
- check #defines in "OpenCat.h" :
#include "InstinctBittle.h"
#define NyBoard_V1_1
- Build and upload WriteInstinct
- Reset all joints: Y.
- Calibrate MPU: Y.
- Open "OpenCat.ino"
- Build and upload.
- Reset all joints: Y.
- Enter calibration mode:
I tried this with the IR Remote and with the App.
- Attached all in the L shape (as in Image)

- Saved the State.
- And then as soon I enter any other state (walking, sitting, etc.) all legs are all over the place.
What else I checked:
- Wires (if the servos are plugged in correctly)
- If everything is assembled correctly
(all based on https://bittle.petoi.com/)
I hope anyone can help me. This is the third night I tried to figure out the Issue...
'no line ending' fixed the issue. Thank you. I probably missed that at my last X attempts. 😅
Have you set the serial monitor to 'no line ending' before entering Y if you are using the main branch of the OpenCat code?
If it doesn't fix the problem, could you take a video of the robot when it transforms from the calibration posture to the abnormal postures?
Please double check this doc at first: