Hi everybody,
first let me start of by saying thank you for making this project open source.
I am busy building a bit bigger Nybble, but with the cub servo layout, using a DIY BiBoard2 and 16 x RDS5160 servo's.

It is also connected to a RPI 3 B+, running python script's for speech to text, text to Gpt-3, and text to speech. It is controlled via PS4 remote and/or using the python flask web interface. It also has a iQaudio+ for audio and a RPI Pico for PDM mic. 2S[10 x 21700 Lipo's for batteries] giving me 25 amps @ 8.4v(Max. pulse discharge current 175A for 10sec). I got all the servo's on the PCA9685 as: 0 - Left Back Knee 1 - Left Back Arm 2 - (I assume Left Back Shoulder) 3 - 4 - Tail Pan 5 - (I assume Right Back Shoulder) 6 - Right Back Arm 7 - Right Back Knee 8 - Right Front Knee 9 - Right Front Arm 10 - (I assume Right Front Shoulder) 11 - Head Tilt 12 - 13 - (I assume Left Front Shoulder) 14 - Left Front Arm 15 - Left Front Knee but I dont know where the shoulder servo's must go, and their orientation, any advice would be appreciated. I got the cat calibrated with the desktop app, all looks fine, but it collapses because shoulders are not engaged.. Also, how do I activate the shoulders in the desktop app?

again thank you for all the effort you have put into this project. I really hope I can make my cat called Fang(Saber Tooth Tiger) using opencat.
He is now Tooth-less....
You can modify the pin mapping in OpenCat/src/OpenCat.h, the array pins[].
Attached is the full mapping of 16 DoF.