Hello, I'm trying to attach Grove ultrasonic ranger to Bittle, for that I'm following this guide: https://www.yuque.com/tinkergen-help-en/bittle_course/sensor_pack_lesson_4, in which there is a picture of Bittle with the ranger:

I'm unable to make Bittle hold the ultrasonic sensor that way, is there a photo of Bittle holding it taken from a different angle or any other alternatives to attach the sensor to Bittle?
In that picture, the way Bittle is holding the sensor is the same as this?:

I see the connection of the Grove-sensor is unluckily directly where the jaw is. So I guess it cannot be placed as it is shown in the picture.
I'm using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic-sensor with pins (similar to Nybble's eyes), because it has the advantage that you can bend the pins backwards, so it can be easily placed in Bittle's jaws. Maybe it's not a very satisfying answer for you, since you already purchased the sensor, but maybe it helps someone else.
P.S. Of course I didn't steal Nybble's eyes and purchased an extra set for Bittle. Everything else would be cruel.