Hi I am new to the community and just started to assemble the Nybble these few days, there are a couple of questions I would like to get some advice, I might have missed some important details from the guidelines : |. Thanks in advance.
Nybble board v2, no Pi
1) Does it require soldering the ultrasonic to the D8, D9, D10 and GND? The pins seems to be detached easily

2) One of the legs keeps vibrating itself during calibration, I managed to stop it for a while but it seems something not right as it didn't happen to other legs. What should I check?
3) There are some constant noise coming out from Nybble when I send out the comment like ksit through serial monitor, is it normal?
4) How to activate the ultrasound senor, I tried to upload the Nybble.ino, it was complied successfully but once the upload is done, the buzzer sound keeps coming out from the Nybble for long time. What should I check?
Thanks again
1) You do need to solder on 8,9,10,GND if you are going to use them.
2) Shaky servo has been a problem for many hobbiest servos. It's an unmatch between regular PID parameters (for light load) and our use on Nybble (much heavier legs).We just solved it by switching to a factory who is willing to tune the control circuit specifically for Nybble. In your case, the shaking will be less obvious if the leg is in motion or is touching the ground.
3) It seems that some servos are getting stuck in sitting position. That means they may not be calibrated correctly and is colliding with the body. It will generate heat and even burn the servo. How does the cat look like in "balance" posture? The joint angles should be central symetric like > <.
4) There's a moduleTest code testUltrasound.ino in the folder to test the ultrasonic sensor. It will print out distances, but needs more work to integrate it in the main loop.